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Interface EtomonLocationBase

Base object containing fields used in both the location queries and results.


  • EtomonLocationBase



Optional _id

_id: string

Either a Google Place ID or the hash of an IP Address, both representing a unique identifier for the location

Optional administrativeLevel1

administrativeLevel1: string

The highest level of sub-national division.

This differs based on the country. For a federation like the United States it would be a state (like "California"), in a union of countries, like the United Kingdom, it might be a country (like "England").

Optional administrativeLevel2

administrativeLevel2: string

The second-highest level of sub-national division.

This differs based on the country. In the United States or United Kingdom, this would be a county (like "Richmond County" or "Hampshire", for the US and UK, respectively).

For small sovereign states, this might not exist (like "Singapore").

Optional country

country: string

The two digit ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code matching the location

Optional fromCache

fromCache: boolean

Optional id

id: string

Either a Google Place ID or the hash of an IP Address, both representing a unique identifier for the location

Optional locality

locality: string

Either the locality (like "New York City") or sublocality (like "Brooklyn") of the result, prefers the broadest option ("New York City" over "Brooklyn").

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